Minor maintenance purchase time. I bought additional 14 shares of Fortum for 16.925 EUR per share. Fortum appears to be very reasonably valued at the moment even though there are clear risks as well. Unfortunately significant amount of those risks are of political nature. Still, it’s possible that political reasons might eventually work also in favour of Fortum. This could happen e.g. via European investments on hydrogen economy in which Fortum/Uniper is reasonably well positioned. I might increase my stake in Fortum with larger chunks later on. This was just maintenance purchase to consume some leftover cash.
Month: August 2020
Recent Trades: CoreCivic, Aflac & Sampo Plc
Time for some trades. I sold my tiny CoreCivic position which consisted of 160 shares for 8,60 USD per share . In retrospect should have moved a lot quicker when they announced the plans to dump REIT structure. It might very well be a good long term move but I have my doubts and it will anyway take a long time to materialise. This move allows me take the loss for taxes and I might trade it later if the plan is executed well enough.
In addition to that I bought additional 44 shares of Aflac Inc. for 35.28 USD per share. It’s been a long time since the last addition. Aflac is one of those companies that seems to be consistently reasonably valued. It represents the lower but more consistently growing dividend in my portfolio. That’s something I’ve come to value even more in times like these.
Third one is a bit special one. I bought additional 330 shares of Sampo Plc for 30,57 EUR per share in my secondary portfolio. This is the exact amount I’m holding in the primary portfolio. This short term overweight position is protected by stop loss order in the primary portfolio which I can drop without taking a tax hit.