Q2/2024 & H1/2024 Results

Seconds quarter and first half of 2024 is over. Once again it was filled with many sources of déjà vu as many of the critical contributors for world economy are the same old ones. War in Ukraine is still there, US elections with geriatric battle between Biden and Trump, tensions with China and Israel’s situation in general. Perhaps it’s a positive thing that the market has provided only similar déjà vu feelings since the alternative probably wouldn’t be a good one. Main dividend portfolio value increased by 2,80% during the quarter and 2,95% during first half. Dividend income for the first half was 7591,73 EUR and 6072,43 EUR for the second quarter (before taxes when converted to Euros at the time of writing). Nothing special there.

Second half might be interesting as said tensions have potential to escalate. Especially US elections will be interesting since they don’t exactly have two good candidates and tide is about to shift with democrats and Biden. Apparently first public debate was a disaster for Biden – I haven’t watched the whole things, only parts – and even the tone of mainstream media has shifted quickly. Trump winning seems quite likely but let’s see how things unfold. Personally I think that Trump’s second term would be something we as a whole could get through. Get through without significant pain and adaptation? Maybe not but likely with only reasonable bruising. I don’t see a need for any huge changes in my current approach for remaining two quarters. I’ll most likely focus on re-investing dividends with perhaps some limited injections of new cash. I’ll let cash reserves to increase since those will depleted by investments on physical assets (read: renovations).