I accidentally a fatty. Did what? Got myself a fatty. Specialized Fatboy that is and based on a hour and a half test run in the local woods it’s money well spent. Haven’t really ever done any real mountain biking but this is really something. On a flat surface it’s like driving around with a sofa but in trails it’s something totally different. It’s a funny feeling to drive over fallen trees without lifting your gluteus maximus from the seat. Never done that with sofa neither but I’d imagine it’s just as comfy.
The main idea behind all this is the fact that my current commute is way too long during the winter. I mean anything is doable but it just takes way too long and complicates the clothing (especially feet department). Summer time is easier and I hope to do it with my cyclocross at least occasionally. For spring, fall and winter this new fatty would be the substitute for regular workouts and mental getaways. I really hope that I could pickup the photography as well while floating around on these 4.6 inch wheels. That remains to be seen.